MyBlogLog integrates Zemanta

Over at the MyBlogLog blog they posted to announce an integration with the Zemanta blogging service. Looks like they posted a little too early as they've just deleted the page.

My Google Reader has all the goodies though. Here's the proposition.
Go ahead, go back and browse through your MyBlogLog communities and check up on your favorite blogs. See a blog post that grabs your eye? Clicking Reblog will capture the post that caught your fancy and set you up use it as the inspiration for your own blog update!

By providing this service MyBlogLog is able to offer some extra incentive for people to join communities (gives them easy access to the Zemanta tech) and it will also encourage bloggers to get MyBlogLog users to join their communities.

Zemanta, of course, get brand exposure, get to say they work with Yahoo and get more users. If they're harvesting this data then the extra users will be valuable rather than just an expense.

The last time MyBlogLog hit the publish post button a little too early the updated widget was just a few hours away so I hope to the Zemanta integration live before the end of the week.

Update: The MyBlogLog post is now live again.


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