
Showing posts from January, 2007


MyBlogLog Battles - MyBlogSlog?

Googlers quitting Matt Cutts' team?

Is SEO Rocket Science? Kevin Lee brings the diatribe to LinkedIn

Social Media - taking causalities

I support nofollow!

M Google and W Google

Linkbaiting takes a hit with the fall of the Googlebomb

Spot the difference: Google Video and Yahoo Video

Reddit gets a fashionable baby sister

Google's Marketshare compared to Yahoo, MSN and eBay

Yahoo's R&D expenditure up by 46%

Wikipedia and nofollow - the outcry, why?

Sirrah, I disagree

Horrendous code errors on Halifax Online

Yahoo Weather Report - following the trend

Security alert at Flickr

Buying Yahoo

Will Google's cost per acquisition kill affiliate sites?

World of Search on Flickr (update)

Next Blog »

JotSpot getting closer to relaunch?

Google Images - faster than you think

Google News Archives at the bottom of SERPs

Safari for Windows

Ouch! Publicis must be feeling the hurt

Intent is Keywords 2.0

Ask has 30 million American users and lots of plans

Google are right to brag

Bad Google SERPs

Blogger and BlogSpot down

Matt Brittin joins Google from Trinity Mirror

2007 will be the year of mobile search

Blogger Custom Domain and my experiences

Is the US Department of State watching Andy Beal, webpronews or Flickr?

How Google Reader could influence organic search results sells links and still enjoys Google's favour

Google update Google Reader and Google Trends

Your page is too old for Googlebot

Lycos down

The World of Search on Flickr

Which is better for SEO? Absolute Unique Visitors, New or Returning Visitors?

Flickr pushes "Search by Camera" harder

A year in review: SEMPO and SMA 2006