Does Wolfram Alpha's HTML element hierarchy point to SEO success?
I've taken the top eleven ranking websites for [search engine optimisation] in I've thrown away Wikipedia. This leaves me with ten agency sites.
Let's see how Wolfram Alpha draws their structure. Perhaps therein is a clue to SEO success?
1) bigmouthmedia

2) Just Searching

3) High Position

4) SEO Consult
6) Search Engine Optimising

7) Top Click Media

8) Creare Communications
9) Blue Claw
10) XSEO

I did the same thing for [search engine optimization], but with an UK IP address. This time I had to look a little further than position #11 to collect my top ten ranking agencies. I imagine for some readers this will be the first time they've seen [search engine optimization] results (albeit with spaces) from a UK address.
1) Submit Express
2) Bruce Clay
3) SEO Inc
4) Add Me
5) Patrick Gavin
6) Submit A Website
7) eBrandz
8) Add Pro

9) Keyword Performance

10) eVisibility

There's the evidence. Do you conclude there is any mapping between HTML element hierarchy and Google rankings?
Let's see how Wolfram Alpha draws their structure. Perhaps therein is a clue to SEO success?
1) bigmouthmedia

2) Just Searching

3) High Position

4) SEO Consult

7) Top Click Media

8) Creare Communications

I did the same thing for [search engine optimization], but with an UK IP address. This time I had to look a little further than position #11 to collect my top ten ranking agencies. I imagine for some readers this will be the first time they've seen [search engine optimization] results (albeit with spaces) from a UK address.
1) Submit Express

9) Keyword Performance

10) eVisibility

There's the evidence. Do you conclude there is any mapping between HTML element hierarchy and Google rankings?