Fan Analytics from OneTrueFan

Today OneTrueFan have launched (in beta) their own analytics function. It's called Fan Analytics. Here's's profile. This is fantastic information for a site owner to have. It's also really useful information for any digital marketer to have. For example, I can see myself in Mashable's top 20 fans -- I don't share very much, I'm on the chart because I visit often (generally to clip content to Evernote).
This set of analytics information is in real time. It means you'll be able to monitor a site to see how a story breaks from it, how certain subjects are being shared and who is doing it. I don't know whether Fan Analytics will continue to be open for everyone to monitor, whether it becomes paying customer only or used as a teaser and then recanted. What I do know is that data is hugely interesting.
I can see, for example, that fans are also prone to reading the, Reuters and even Search Engine Land. Just fantastically insightful.