madKast adding blog analytics

madKast is a widget start up that I've had an 'like - remove - like - remove' relationship with for a while.

I'm currently in a "remove" stage of this relationship and have banished their widget from this blog. They're a very clued up start up so they emailed to ask why. They also let me know about this...

You can get a live view of this old data here

This is a blog analytics offering. Not only can I see my traffic lines (as a their widget is on every page) I can see how often their widget is used to share my blog posts - and that's an insight unique to madKast. It's a clever thing for them to share.

I also like the way they look at the reading trends of my readers. I can see which other blogs people are looking at. In fact, in many ways this looks a lot like MyBlogLog except the analytics are more thorough (we have share data) and prettier (we have graphs).

I certainly might put the madKast widget back on but I removed it last time because it simply stopped working.


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