SMX London, Day 2, Think About The Human

This post is a chance for a short pre-dinner break and to jot down some of today's highlights.
Nathan Buggia is brilliant. It's great that he's over here in London. I really expect to see significant things coming from Webmaster Live. I'm confident that we're going to see added extra from this - stuff we don't get from Google.
I think we'll see some more search engines join the Sitemap XML protocol. This can only be a good thing.
I think - much further down the line - we'll see a Claim Your Content for text offering. No one said that; that's me reading between the lines.
In the Dealing With The Penalty Box track hosted by Danny I thought we got some interesting reactions from MSN and Ask about paid links. It's pretty clear that Live Search are still discussing the issue internally - in fact, at times it might have appeared as if they care less about the paid link issue than Google does.
Ask doesn't think the paid link issue effects them so much. Their focus is so much more, they say, on the quality and relevance of the page.
I think Jane Copland of SEOMoz did really well in her Linkbaiting presentation. I heard a rumour that it might have been her first live presentation but based on her performance I'd doubt it. Also, Ciaran Norris' choice of videos ensured he'll leave the conference as "King of Audience Attention".
I've been going to a lot of conferences, presentations and industry events in recent weeks. At first you start to see a trend, then that becomes a fashion, then that becomes "aarhg! not again!". I seem to have scribbled down a must ban forever list.
On the MBF list I have