Google caught talking bollocks and tweets
Image via Wikipedia
Why? Google says this will lead to a better set of search results. We’ll get real time data.
In the shortest blog post I’ve ever seen on the main Google blog, Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, says; “We believe that our search results and user experience will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this up-to-the-minute data, and we look forward to having a product that showcases how tweets can make search better in the coming months.”
In other news, Bing has also signed a deal with Twitter. You can read about it a much longer blog post and enjoy sample pictures. You can even play with some of the features at
And the bollocks?
Google’s always claimed they don’t time their announcements to overshadow other people’s news. It just happens that way. We’re told that these features, etc, are a long time in preparation and the search giant couldn’t time them to overlap with rival news even if they wanted too.
Really? Looks like a rushed blog post from M Mayer too me. Doesn’t look like Google’s actually coded anything with Twitter. Right now, the first thought that springs to mind (and without any careful consideration) is that Google’s trying to ride on the Twitter/Bing news coattails.
Update: I can't but help notice all the Googlers reading this blog post. "Talking bollocks" is a friendly Scottish expression! :)