The Search Blogrunners

What's your homepage? iGoogle? Mine's Blogrunner as it lets me see, at a glance, what's hot in the blogs. I really wish that Google offered something like this - a Google News for Blogs. Even better would be a Google Blogrunner that let me picked the sources or keywords I cared about as feeders and let them influence the agenda.

The rest of this post is a little bit of a boast.

Google recently asked for people's SEO recommendations. That was pretty rare.

What was also rare was that WebmasterCentral post started a thread/headline in blogrunner. Well done Susan Moskwa. I can't be %100 sure that's a Google first. It's one of the first I've noticed, though.

I noticed this because my trick question? post was also included in the blog discussion thread.

There are very few Search blogs that make Blogrunner. Here's the list of people who made this discussion:
  1. Matt Cutts
  2. Barry Schwartz @ Seach Engine Land
  3. Jennifer Laycock @ Search Engine Guide
  4. Jordan McCollum @ Marketing Pilgrim
  5. Doug Caverly @ WebPro News
  6. Jason Calacanis
  7. Barry Schwartz @ Search Engine Roundtable
  8. Andrew Girdwood
  9. Aaron Sheer @ Search Engine Watch
  10. Lisa Barone
  11. Barry Schwartz @ Search Engine Roundtable
  12. Barry Schwartz @ Search Engine Land
  13. Sarah Bird @ SEOmoz
See how influential Barry is!


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