Bonjour bigmouthmedia France

Today Global Media France became bigmouthmedia France. The Paris office in our family of digital marketing experts now get to be as mouthy as the UK, the United States, Norway and Sweden.
We're not going to translate the words "big", "mouth" and "media". It'll be bigmouthmedia. I can't even even pronounce the Swedish!
It seems fitting, then, that this week I'll in Paris for E-commerce Paris 2007. I'll be talking about the changing face of SEO. There was interest in working out when/how/why to try and keep up with the search engines - and do the search engines change the landscape that often anyway?
I've never been to Paris before! I'm looking forward to it. I'm also super keen about France's mushrooming digital marketing scene. Talk about super-charged growth. I think E-commerce Paris will be a good conference.
Congrats on the growth, you guys are pretty huge now. I'm sure you're in an exciting position.
Good spot on the CSS. I noticed that too but decided to get the link in anyway! *chuckle*