Google attacks Google

At Google’s IO conference today the search engine has unveiled a bunch of gadgets (web elements) that allow bloggers and site owners to include snippets of other Google products in their site.
The Comment Gadget is likely to be popular. Google offers VoteEarth2009 for a demo and you’ll need to find the Your Thoughts section to see it working.
I’ve gone with the Social Bar for across the Andrew Girdwood blog. One of the reasons was that the comment gadget took over a minute to load.
Here’s the thing though – I still use for Whether I like it or not Blogger slaps a bar across the top of the site already. What happens when I add the Google social bar to my site is that it covers up the Blogger bar.
This might be grumbling but it is too much to ask Google that then they release new web toys they make sure they are as compatible as possible with their own web offerings? What’s wrong with an upgrade to Blogger that transforms the standard bar into a Blogger-Social bar hybrid?