Tumblr's Pharma Spam Problem

In fact, I've started the process of putting together a big mouth tumblr. It's not that easy; I've someone working on a skin. I keep on toying with the intro text; there's so much to say it often out-weighs the summaries of posts tumblr draws in via RSS.
It's also pretty easy to see that tumblr has a spam problem. It's free, easy and quick - it'll therefore attract spammers. The screen grab on the left is the first set of results from a site:tumblr.com search and its dominated by pharma spam.
The spam's pretty easy for Google to spot. The first result there is for
and that's simply a doorway page with JavaScript redirect. I'm surprised Google still lists the sub-domain in the site: search. If you think Google ranks most important pages first in the site: search then perhaps tumblr is cause to re-consider.