Google recommends Text Link Ads

Google recommends Text Link Ads - how's that for a controversial title? It isn't a complete lie either. I love the new personalised search recommendation button from Google. Google does StumbleUpon.

Today's list of 50 recommendations includes The irony is there for all to behold.

Given I spend my life online and live and breathe the twin obsessions of Search Marketing and Gaming (the old fashioned tabletop type of games) I wondered how well Google would do at making recommendations. Here's the list.
How about that? Not just a 50%/50% split but the sites (listed in the order Google recommended) alternate preciselybetween [search] and [gaming].

An interesting twist is the number of 301 redirect articles and PageRank checkers on the list. Do I search for those? No! I know 301 redirects inside and out. I don't have PageRank obsession. I do write about 301 redirects and PageRank a lot, though, and I do run Google Desktop Search on all my computers and laptops. It could just be that if you pick a random [search] site then there's a high chance it'll be talking about 301s or PageRank but I do wonder whether Google is using my desktop data.

I also notice how Ezine Articles falls into place as a [search] site. Google clearly knows why people write articles or issue press releases.


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