First Sphinn spam? Spamm?
And the prize goes to...

It may get taken down but here's the Sphinn page which homes it. It was posted at 16:46 GMT.
The culprit (or framed site!) is GlutenFreeGeek. Yes, I'm using the nofollow option for that link!
This seems like a good time for an update on my I Support Nofollow campaign is still going. It has one signature - mine.

It may get taken down but here's the Sphinn page which homes it. It was posted at 16:46 GMT.
The culprit (or framed site!) is GlutenFreeGeek. Yes, I'm using the nofollow option for that link!
This seems like a good time for an update on my I Support Nofollow campaign is still going. It has one signature - mine.