WebJam struggling
The build-your-own social community site WebJam has been experiencing persistent outages over the last few days. I use my own webjam domain as my start page and I'm getting rather used to seeing their server mechanic.
The site co-founded by Yann Motte, Marcus Greenwood and Alberto Barreiro really is, I think, an effective way to get a social community online quickly.
Their rolling premium offer, albeit a dodgy concept, is simply an easy way to empower any spare domains you have lying around. I long since realised that my initial concept for It Begins! was, er, great... but that I was never going to have the time to do it. Now, through WebJam, it is a really handy startpage with a few quick links and a lot of RSS aggregation.

Their rolling premium offer, albeit a dodgy concept, is simply an easy way to empower any spare domains you have lying around. I long since realised that my initial concept for It Begins! was, er, great... but that I was never going to have the time to do it. Now, through WebJam, it is a really handy startpage with a few quick links and a lot of RSS aggregation.