Yorkshire faces Twitter brand backlash after BNP win
I'm happy to say Yorkshire is a good place to visit and if you fancy a day trip or weekend break in the UK then check it out.
However; Yorkshire is mud today. The extreme right wing BNP managed to win a seat in the EU elections there. Twitter has been raging with the news.
Yorkshire is there in the trend tag cloud with North Korea who locked away the American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling today. That's not an association Yorkshire will be pleased to have.

Twitter is also lashing out against the BNP itself. This retweet from Andrew Thomson shows that the community itself is trying to rid itself of the shame. The original tweet comes from Drew B - the managing director of an agency in Worcestershire.
However; Yorkshire is mud today. The extreme right wing BNP managed to win a seat in the EU elections there. Twitter has been raging with the news.

Twitter is also lashing out against the BNP itself. This retweet from Andrew Thomson shows that the community itself is trying to rid itself of the shame. The original tweet comes from Drew B - the managing director of an agency in Worcestershire.