118 800 down, opt-out takes site offline
Here in the UK a new directory inquiries company is about to go live. What's 'special' about 118800.co.uk is that they'll include mobile numbers on their directory.
They've said they'll try not to include mobile numbers associated with children. The rest of us have to opt-out online. I tried to do this last night but couldn't as the site was down. The site's still down.
I would imagine that 118 800 are on the cusp of another round of PR issues. If the website is still like this by tonight I would imagine they'll have to extend the opt-out period at the very least.
They've said they'll try not to include mobile numbers associated with children. The rest of us have to opt-out online. I tried to do this last night but couldn't as the site was down. The site's still down.