Image via Wikipedia
CEOP stands for Child Exploitation and Online Protection. It's a UK police/government group that does its best to look after children online. Pretty obvious, huh?They're the folk who kicked up a fuss when Facebook wouldn't install a "panic button" for kids to press should they find themselves talking to someone dodgy online. They kicked up a PR story when Bebo, I think, added it.
I caught on the BBC news today that Facebook would install the button. Odd, I thought, and listened in.
Firstly, the BBC reporter was apologising for calling it a panic button. Good. It clearly isn't. It's just a link to some resources. The suggestion that pressing it keeps you safe is a dangerous one. It doesn't. In fact, I think some people could argue that the button is dangerous in itself just because of that.
This strikes me as a victory for Facebook. This is just a standard Facebook Application - albeit with the backing of some big players already. CEOP's spokes person Julian Gamble said that Facebook would be putting it on their page themselves.
As I watched the report I just couldn't shake the feeling that neither CEOP nor the BBC were really confident on the subject. Shouldn't CEOP have been asked why it's taken them this long to create the Application. After all, they've dragged this on and on by going about this the slow way.
Most surprisingly, and the reason for this blog post, the address of the application is not www.facebook.com/ceop. No. It's www.facebook.com/clickceop.
There's a huge irony there. How many kids are going to get lost on Facebook looking for this application? Which enterprising so-and-so is going to grab www.facebook.com/ceop first and what will they put on it?