Confused and Gio Compario
Well known price comparison site GoCompare is currently running a TV campaign which features an opera singer and a 'go compare' car insurance song. The character's name is "Gio Comparario". The ads are pretty much a response to Compare the Market's meerkat success.
What caught my eye is They're poking fun at one of the jokes in the ad. "How much do you think he costs?" asks one of the actors, "He's only a tenor," says his mate. Boom. Boom. are bidding against the name - a good idea given the state of the organic results. GoCompare don't rank for the character and their site isn't launched yet.
Their ad text reads;
The Confused ad runs through tracking site so either The Search Works, an agency using Searchware or a Tradedoubler affiliate is responsible for the ad.
What caught my eye is They're poking fun at one of the jokes in the ad. "How much do you think he costs?" asks one of the actors, "He's only a tenor," says his mate. Boom. Boom. are bidding against the name - a good idea given the state of the organic results. GoCompare don't rank for the character and their site isn't launched yet.
Their ad text reads;
Forget tenors, you could save
over £205 with
The Confused ad runs through tracking site so either The Search Works, an agency using Searchware or a Tradedoubler affiliate is responsible for the ad.